Thousands more find ruins today and another battle has seemingly been lost in this celebrated war of the ages, the very war that rages on the edge of me.
And because of it, I’m once again stunted in my feeble attempts to recognize You, as this curtain descends, like the October fog around me.
With the gray of the morning, I’m ashen too, and forever at odds, it seems, with who You are, as if the breathing in of One who just is holds no bearing, no advantage, no explanation.
Yet I write, for this art must paint You. My design is known by You, as is my longing to contain You and bring form to the formless, to rip light and its shadows from voids, to color the dull.
Fall down upon me now and create the weight of something -- anything -- for me to bear a piece of You. Draw near in some fashion, beyond these whimsies and conjecture, for this appetite will not be satiated with trinkets or toys. Put skin upon your flock and multiply their numbers; time their rhythm with mine, for I crave some companionship this day, of the supernatural sort.
Bring tension to this story, I beg; release some rising action that will at once invite resolution and a looming epilogue to cap this enduring, timeless struggle.
Reveal Yourself to me once more, for I’m thrashing about beneath these wanderings and taunted endlessly by one who hides You from me.
Offer peace to these members and calm to this spirit; cocoon me away in Your infinite reality for musings of the human sort render no such comfort.
A void that can only be filled by the creator. He is there. Now that you asked watch it unfold.
Does that make any sense?
Be careful what you ask'll come He's just that kind of a God...a seeking heart HE never denies....praying for you...
I see in your profile you are seeking simplicity. This can be difficult for those with a high IQ and an ability to see many sides of varying issues. Nonetheless, my sense is that you are seeking the very thing which will centre you in the presence of the One who knows and responds to our deepest intentions.
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