Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Chapter 46 An Unwavering Beam of Intention

The air is hovering thick and wet here today and I’m feeling dense and heavy, like moss or ground cover; I'm deep in a forest that knows the sun as some distant cousin.

I’m looking up at you from the shadow of a mountainous ancestral tree and I’m getting philosophical about what it means to have you in my life. Oddly enough, the sunlight is still trying to break through -- an unwavering beam of intention bouncing off of random limbs. It’s dancing just above your hair and every so often it looks like you might be the source of it.

As I stare at you, I know that you’re my Savior, but I sense that you're asking if I would, in fact, choose you as a friend. If I'd hang out with you.

It's funny, but I feel as if the choice has already been made for me, from as early as I can remember -- like you’ve always been around. You're a member of the family. My brother, so to speak.

I didn't choose a lot of things growing up, like, for example, the way I look or the color of my eyes; my smile or how tall I am. I’ve always wanted to be taller, just so you know. And to tan better, too, because I always burn first. I do have good and very straight teeth, without the help of braces, thank you very much. Those were the luck of the hereditary draw, I suppose.

And speaking of family, I didn't get much of a choice there either. Although I’d probably still pick them if it was up to me. Well, maybe not all of them.

Like my Uncle Ed, for example.

Yet, despite the shadow of this family tree, my upbringing and my genetics, I can choose you. Or not. You’ve always told me I can take you or leave you, in so many words. I’ve never stopped to think about it, though, because you just keep showing up on your own.

So, back to the woods and the floor of it, and you’re standing here and I feel like you’re forcing me to make a decision. You’re hovering over me, a silhouette with that unwavering light behind you, reminding me that I have a free will.

I could carry a piece of you, I suppose. A cross around my neck or a fish on my bumper. Perhaps I could whip out a card from my wallet that says I can keep my promises. Or that I’m wild at heart. I’m sure if I looked hard enough I could find that bracelet with the acronym on it. Something, anything to signify our friendship. Our bond.

That’s not enough, you whisper. You seem jealous. You simply need to know if I’d want you around. In the flesh. Just you. And you won’t leave until you’ve heard my answer.

Well, OK, let me think about this. You know that I like to laugh with my friends, but it's often at the expense of others. So, I guess right off the bat you won’t like that. Could I give up my biting, sarcastic humor for you? I’d have to, because you always see the good in people. No, you see the great. You prefer that I laugh and poke fun at myself instead. It’s a practice in humility and I know how much you love that.

I can be judgmental, too, though I hide it well. Could you handle that? I know you have nothing to hide because there’s not a judgmental bone in your body. You just move with an easy pace and your grace is wide. Everyone is mysteriously equal in your eyes, and I still don't get that.

You’re more than alright with the concept of shocking people to get your point across, and you’re comfortable going in and out of places they’d least expect. I like that about you. I’m the same way, though probably not for the same reasons. I'd need to get a better grasp on your reasons before we do that together.

I also think it’s pretty cool the way you dance around useless banter and meaningless arguments to get right at the heart of the issue. You’re not avoiding the tough questions; no, you just don’t waste your words. You keep coming back to the truth like you’re fighting off some invisible lie. Maybe you really are.

Maybe the lie isn’t so invisible to you.

Not sure I need to bring this up, but I’m a friend of margaritas, which I suppose you already know. It's not a prerequisite for our friendship, obviously, but would you join me in that indulgence? I think you’d ask me first if I need one or if I want one. And the difference would be of utmost importance to you.

I’m in a rush too, most of the time, so I need quick sound bytes of information. If we’re going to do lunch and stuff like other friends do, please remember that I’ve only got a short window of time. Would you try to slow me down? I think you would.

I’m pretty selfish. Painfully so at times. You’d probably tell me to get my eyes off of myself. That could get pretty annoying.

I guess that’s it for now, though I’m sure I could go on.

Would I choose you?

I don’t mean to answer one of your questions with another question, but that’s something you taught me.

So here goes:

Why in the world would you choose me?


Christine Boles said...

This post was well worth the wait!

Anonymous said...

Got my hands on your book finally :).

Going to be getting to reading it after the family takes our last vacation trip this coming weekend.

I promised you a review. :) I didn't forget.

~pen~ said...

He would choose you for all of the reasons you enumerated above:

...because He always sees the good in people. No, He sees the great.


there’s not a judgmental bone in His body. He moves with an easy pace and His grace is wide. Everyone is mysteriously equal in His eyes...

because He dances around useless banter and meaningless arguments to get right to the heart of the issue...

the same way you do, bro. that very same way. question is, how could He not?

"Not as man sees does God see - men look at the outward appearance and God looks at the heart." (1 Sam 16:7)

christina joy said...

but why wouldn't he choose you, my friend?

i am so glad to see you back online. thanks for continuing to read and comment on my own blog while you were on "sabbatical." your comments and encouragement always lift my spirits and often times make my day.


christina joy said...

i meant to tell you... yesterday or the day before i took a long drive through some back roads here in alaska. there was a lone guy on a harley in front of me. we passed a large group of harley riders going the opposite direction. as the guy in front of me approached them, he gave them a "low harley wave" and i immediately thought of you and i wondered if that could be him, the jesus of our day. his leathers were worn and his hair was long and he appeared as if he had been on the road for a while and hadn't had a shower. it made me smile and want to follow him.

but i didn't.

Anonymous said...

Hey J,
I missed having a “Christian Blog” so I started one today. Its about my struggles mostly because that’s what my spiritual life feels like – a huge battle, and I don’t know who’s winning. I hope you stop by to visit: Prodigal Daughter

Joash Chan said...

Write on, rider.

Miss-buggy said...

Wow. Good question at the end and I like how "~p~" answered your question.
And CJ...you gave me shivers. How cool would that have been? Wow...